Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wordweavers Writing Contest 2010


For details regarding the contest, visit

Please feel free to add your comments, queries or feedback.

Thank you for your interest in the contest. The contest is in running for the second year.

Submisions for the year 2010 begin on January 1st till January 31st, 2010 and not a day before or later. And we are generous enough to announce it this early! The results will be announced on March 1, 2010 on Dhvani's Second Anniversary.

There are 3 sections of the Contest. You can send not more than 3 entries in each section. The word limit will be adhered to very strictly.

1) Poetry: poems of not more than 20 lines with title.

2) Flash Fiction: story not more than 500 words with title.

3) Short Story: story not more than 3000 words with title.

Please read the following before submitting your work to us.
Submission of your work tells us that you've read this, agree with it, and still want us to publish your work.

  • Contestant must be a citizen of India, residing in India.

  • Please understand that we reserve the right to accept or reject your work. Several factors are considered in our final decision whether or not to include your work in our publication, including the message, the method by which it's conveyed, the style, and how much of it works when combined.

  • Contestant should be above the age of 15, having completed 15.

  • Please mail a scanned copy as a photo identity, could be a passport or your college ID.

  • Your work must be your own, original, unaided work. Kindly avoid any Copyright hassles.
  • All the entries must be in English only.
  • There is no entry fee for the Contest.
  • Your original work must be submitted by email and received by the deadline posted on the page to be considered for the contest.
  • Please send each entry as a separate attachment in one email. Send the attachment as a Word file with Times New Roman font size 12.
  • The work can either be published or unpublished. In case it is published please mention the name of the magazine or the publisher.
  • The vouchers cannot be redeemed for a cash prize and will be issued only in the name of the winner as sent for the contest.
  • The winning entries will remain in the Wordweavers Section of Dhvani till March 2010.
  • Please type your FULL name along with your qualification and occupation (if applicable.) Eg. Mira Naik, student, MA Eng Literature/ Prof of English Xaviers College, Mumbai.